Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's the real me

I was once a college guy who knows nothing in life but burning midnight candles to keep enjoying privileges of a so-called scholar. Four years of struggle taking Accountancy wasn't a waste for I emerged after the last dust settled as a graduate with flying colors. At a very young age of 20, I was employed in a certain catholic school in Manila as a Computer Teacher and an Accounting Staff. While working, I also devoted some time in taking Education course. Working and schooling at the same time is definitely a tough job to do but I maintain the equilibrium in managing both tasks. After one year of being in the academe,there was a sudden twist in my plans, I decided to quit teaching and explore the world outside the four walls of the classroom. I continue my journey in life only to find myself working as a Travel Specialist in one of the leading contact centers in the Philippines. Becoming a Certified Public Accountant is one of dreams in life. On my rest days, I am attending review classes by heart, deeply praying to get the most coveted license.

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